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Multiple selection machine maintenance method

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Multiple selection machine maintenance method

發(fā)布日期:2015-04-29 00:00 來(lái)源:http://www.lysmyx.com 點(diǎn)擊:

Multiple seed separator wide adaptability, by replacing the sieve, and adjust the air volume can be featured on the seeds of wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, bean, rape, forage and green manure.

This machine use and maintenance requirements, any negligence will affect the selection of quality. The introduction points of use and maintenance of the machine are as follows:

1, the selection of the best in the indoor operation, the location of the machine to be flat, solid, parking location should be considered to facilitate the dust.  

2, if the condition is limited, must be in the outdoor work, should find a safe place to park, and make the machine according to the wind, in order to reduce the influence of wind on the selection effect. When wind speed is greater than 3, the installation of wind barrier should be considered.  

3, in the replacement of varieties, the machine must be left in a clean, and the machine continues to run 5-10min, and the amount of adjustment handle switch several times, to remove the former, middle and rear chamber and the deposition of more than kinds of impurities and impurities from several deposit chamber after the flow can be removed, the first sieve surface seeds and impurities will be removed, and then remove the screen surface.  

4, each operation should be checked before the fastening screws are loose, rotation is flexible, there is no exception, the sound, and the tension of the transmission belt is appropriate.

5, the lubrication point refueling.  

6, every time after the end of the work should be cleaned and checked, and timely troubleshooting.


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