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Analysis on the development of grain processing machinery industry

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Analysis on the development of grain processing machinery industry

發(fā)布日期:2015-04-29 00:00 來源:http://www.lysmyx.com 點擊:

China's grain processing machinery industry after more than 40 years, especially in the past ten years of continuous development, has a good foundation, many enterprises and products in the international and domestic markets have enjoyed a good reputation, and some have become well-known brands. In the economic globalization, the market competition intensifies, China's grain processing machinery industry in the international and domestic markets are facing new opportunities and new challenges. Gangbei District, grain processing formed 10 billion industry last year, Gangbei District, food grain processing volume reached 33.6 million tons, 10.48 billion yuan output value, grain processing formed 10 billion big industry. Gangbei District perennial rice planting area of 31 million mu, 13.78 million tons of grain yield, of which high quality rice planting 28 million mu of 93% yield 12.23 million tons. The area planted "97 incense accounted for" and "horse Bayin accounted for", "passion", high-quality rice varieties, increasing the income of the farmers and while promoting the development of grain processing industry. International market: China's grain processing machinery due to high quality and low price advantage of the area has more than 26 private grain processing enterprises, the annual grain processing capacity of 550000 tons, of which 100000 tons of annual processing capacity of 2 tons of leading enterprises, 3 to 50000 tons 1, 20000 to 22 tons 2, is the city's largest food processing enterprises. Through the implementation of technological innovation in grain processing enterprises, the region promotes the brand effect, develops the marketing market, and develops the scale economy of grain processing. The implementation of food brand strategy, improve brand effect. The guide grain processing enterprises adapt to the demand of the market, establish high-quality goods consciousness, change the basic grain rough machining, change the old pattern of products with low technological content, quality is not high, develop new products, to create brand-name products, products to increase market share. Last year, the district 23 food processing enterprises have their own brand products and products, more than 8 in 2010's 15 production of brand products. These products are sold in Guangdong, Hainan and other provinces market, product demand. Among them, the Guangxi male of Rice Industry Co., Ltd. and Guigang City Hongfeng Rice Industry Co., Ltd. the two companies were rated as "national assured grain model processing enterprises", Guangxi agricultural industrialization key leading enterprises "," Guangxi rice processing 10 strong enterprises ". China's grain and oil processing machinery industry: go out is not the problem of China's grain and oil machinery manufacturing industry has experienced a rapid development period, the growth mode has begun to shift from relying on the amount of expansion to rely mainly on the upgrading of the important stage of industrial upgrading. China's grain and oil machinery manufacturing enterprises now production capacity and scale, has been able to meet the different needs of the domestic market, and some products have been greater than demand. Industry market maturity is more and more high, some of the leading enterprises of the products in the mechanical design, manufacturing process and technical service, have a considerable competitive advantage, with foreign advanced level close, such as light and flour milling milling milling technology, husking wheat flour milling technology; rice processing rice low-temperature drying, selection of quenching and tempering technology; oil processing expansion extraction, vacuum evaporation and secondary steam using technology, low temperature desolventizing technology and so on. In particular, a number of small and medium grain and oil processing equipment and complete sets of equipment, in the domestic and international reputation, has become the eyes of customers at home and abroad. The operating status of the whole industry and the domestic and international supply and demand situation, so that many companies feel the domestic market is relatively narrow, the development of space has been restricted to a certain extent. In particular, a number of small and medium processing machinery and equipment, the market development experience to the market demand for the "bottleneck" of the constraints. And in the international market, especially in developing countries, China's high quality and low price of grain and oil processing machinery has a broad space for development.


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