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Chinas grain processing machinery to go out to speed up the pace

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Chinas grain processing machinery to go out to speed up the pace

發(fā)布日期:2015-04-29 00:00 來源:http://www.lysmyx.com 點擊:

Conventional soybean oil production stable, in an effort to increase domestic oil production of raw materials of rapeseed oil, peanut oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, grease, and vigorously promote the food processing by-products as raw material of corn oil, rice bran oil production, the positive development of oil tea camellia seed oil, walnut oil, olive oil woody plant oil production, promote the diversification of oil varieties, improve edible vegetable oil self-sufficiency level.    

By 2015, edible vegetable oil production reached 24.4 million tons, of which domestic oil production increased to 12.6 million tons; the proportion of peanut oil, rapeseed oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower seed oil, rice bran oil, oil tea camellia seed oil and other vegetable oil production increased significantly. Elimination of oil processing capacity of 20000000 tons or so.    

It will be an important task of China's food industry development in the twelfth five year period: to persist in the road of new industrialization, enhance innovation capability, accelerate the transformation and upgrading, optimize the industrial structure, improve the quality and safety of food industry, and enhance the international competitiveness. China's grain and oil industry is facing opportunities and challenges, the three major trends will become increasingly evident.


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